Forward The Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Not great. This has somewhat interesting plot lines for the first 2 thirds of the book, concerning Raych, but it really really peters out at the end, in the manner of a tired, out of touch old man. I mean both Hari Seldon and Asimov himself. The last third dotes on uncomfortable descriptions of Hari’s blond, beautiful, attractive granddaughter who helps Hari tie up a few loose ends in a rote, boring way.

Tarnishes the series a bit for me honestly. He can really be pompous and arrogant, Asimov, in his ideas that smart people know better than everyone else and should be trusted with manipulative ability to “push” people with their mentalic powers. Interesting, I was just watching Gen V and one of the main characters also refers to her similar abilities as “pushing”. I wonder if Asimov used it first.

I’m about to donate this book so here’s the record that I read it. 2 Helmets out of 5.

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